Sunday, 26 August 2012


Ok, so sorry for not posting in a long time, but tonight is the first evening Im not that busy and can update this blog finally!

The semester here starts with a big two-day festival, packed with ceremonies, activities and lots of fun! There were two bands playing each evening, and before that, there was a big camp-like area build on the big lawn in front of the university main building. There, different student organisations and clubs were promoting themselves. The range of those student activities is huge; there are choirs, sports clubs, bands, debating circles, book clubs, etc. you name it!

What I liked the most about this ceremony was the fact that I was shown the roof of the main university building by some other international students, and could take some awesome pictures from there. Now enough talking, have a look for yourselves!

The lawn in front of university, packed with people and tents!

A view towards the back entrance of the main building

The stage

A close-up of the stage

Nice area for having some morning coffee in good company! ;)

The university director giving her opening speech

Looking down at the main area from one of the many balconies

Nice relaxing area!

View over the whole festival area from the roof of the university's highest building

 Me trying to capture the panorama from up there... all my pan-pictures have a strange optical bend! :(

Special restaurant buffet at the cafeteria for 20 kr

 Enjoying our meal! The food was prime quality... too bad it was just this one day... ;)