Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Den omvendte bat

So as promised, this post will focus on some nature experiences made here in Kristiansand. The first thing that I want to show to you is an awesome hiking trip through the lake-and-forest-area Jegersberg, right behind our university... to a fantastic place called "Den omvendte bat", which means something like "The inverted boat", a giant rock on top of Jegersberg, when you walk through some rather hidden hiking paths in the remote places of the area - I think this was the first time  I realized how huge everything here in Norway is when you leave the cities and villages... you can walk for hours and only be surrounded by nature and find some really wonderful and huge spaces and places you would have never thought of... so lets show some pics!

The walk starts through lush norwegian forest...

Then, we arrive at an area that is really rich in chalk... actually, the only place with chalk in Kristiansand's vicinity. That is why it is protected and you arent allowed to pick anything here... and that is why there are some remains of old mines here...

Stian, one of our guides, explaining the stuff mentioned above... he did a really good job - and made some awesome pancakes at the end of the trip!!! ;)

Remains of mines...

And entering one of the caves... not as big as suspected, though...

After passing the chalk-rich area, we arrive at the edge of the forest... and come to something really fantastic, like this:

Now, after crossing this plain- and tundra-like landscape, we re-enter the forest... but this time more rocky, as we are going up and up all the time...

Great time jumping and climbing around!!! There is no real hiking route at this heights anymore...

Then... we get out of the forest, and are almost at the top... a rocky landscape unlike anything Ive seen in Central Europe presents itself to the hikers...

There are even small lakes here!!!

And now for some panorama shots from our final destination... ignore the clones, thats just me messing up pictures :D

 Standing on the actual "Omvendte bat" and looking towards Kristiansand (left) and Odderoya (centre to right)

 Another shot from another perspective...

Now for some zoomed in shots... this is Kristiansand as viewed from up there...

And here we have Odderoya on the left and a ColorLine ferry leaving for Denmark right next to it on the right side ;)

Smile everyone!

And a group picture... this rock is the actual "Omvendte bat", as I was told... its a nice resting place!

This I saw on the way back down... and had to take a picture of it. Small creek coming down from the top and going all the way down to one of the Jegersberg lakes, I suppose...

Hope you enjoyed it! Next up will be some pictures of the free day at the "Dyreparken" - Kristiansand's zoo!!

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